A massage is the simplest and probably the oldest healing method.
In a more detailed professional sense massage is a systematic stroking, kneading and squeezing of soft tissues of entire body.
A Classic Massage is used to strengthen general wellbeing and to increase self-respect. Foremost it boosts blood circulation and functioning of our immune system because it positively influences blood pressure, blood circulation, muscle tone, digestion and skin tone.
Depending on intensity and rhythm of the pressure a massage can have a calming or invigorating effect and is often able to stop progress of an illness as well as boost one’s healing processes.
A massage helps to relax, because it directly influences bodily systems that are in charge of heartrate, blood pressure, breathing and digestion. It positively influences problems with muscles and joints. Although massage is not medicine for special problems, it is able to improve wellbeing and consequently decreases the level of stress hormones that weaken one’s immune system.
In the psychological sense a massage relaxes tension and reduces fear. It makes people calm and better prepared for their stressful everyday life.
Depending on intensity and rhythm of the pressure a massage can have a calming or invigorating effect.